Skipton Support Group

The Skipton support group was originally started by the Dyneley House Surgery. They are a team of volunteers who offer people affected with osteoporosis the chance to meet other people in the area similarly affected, get information, support and ask questions about osteoporosis treatment and care.

Programme 2025

Monday 27 January, 9.15am (at Fisher Medical Centre)

Coffee and chat session - come and meet each other

Monday 24 February, 9.15am (at Fisher Medical Centre)

The Alexander Technique (part 2 of 2)
Maureen White (it doesn't matter if you didn't attend the first session)

Monday 31 March, 9.15am (at Fisher Medical Centre)

Alternative ways to relieve pain
Emma Colley, a local homeopath

Monday 28 April, 9.15am (at Fisher Medical Centre)

Topic and speaker to be announced


Keep an eye on this page for updates, or complete our online form to stay in touch and to be sent details of events in your area.



Venue: Fisher Medical Centre, Millfields Coach Street, Skipton BD23 1EU

Time: 9.15am

Admission: We are always pleased to welcome new people to the group, so please feel free to come along.  

For further information regarding the support group, please email Skipton Volunteers or call the ROS head office

 telephone number01761 473113

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