What we believe

We believe that everyone living with or at risk of osteoporosis should have access to the same medical care, wherever they are in the UK. And we've agreed what this experience should be with osteoporosis medical experts.

Identifying if you're at risk

We believe you should be identified as having increased risk of broken bones caused by osteoporosis if you:

  • are over 50 with a broken bone, or
  • have fractured a vertebra (broken a bone in your spine), or
  • have other medical conditions or take medications that can weaken bones, or
  • are over 65 and have fallen twice or more in a year

Assessing your bone health

We believe your bone health should be assessed by:

  • gathering information about you
  • often, doing a DXA scan (similar to an x-ray) within 12 weeks
  • other scans or tests, if required

And, if relevant, we believe you should be invited to meet healthcare professionals who are able to assess your risk of falling in the future.

A DXA report should be ready within 3 weeks, and your assessment results should be shared and discussed with you, so that you:

  • feel informed and supported, with information in the format that best suits you
  • have an opportunity to ask questions, discuss options and participate in decisions about your care
    understand your bone health, and what you can do to keep your bones strong
  • understand how you can stay strong, steady and independent if you have fallen twice or more in the last year
  • receive contact information for your osteoporosis service and/or regional and national charities, including the Royal Osteoporosis Society, who can give you more information and support

Your treatment

If your bone health assessment shows you are at high risk of broken bones, we believe you should be offered appropriate drug treatment within five weeks, and healthcare professionals should ensure that you understand:

  • the benefits and side effects of drug treatment
  • the instructions for taking your treatment and the reasons these are important
  • the importance of speaking to your GP or pharmacist if you have any difficulties or concerns
  • when and where you will have your next dose, if you have been recommended a drug treatment given as an injection

Drug treatment is usually a long-term commitment, and you should be:

  • asked how you are getting on with your drug treatment after 16 weeks, and then every year after that
  • invited back for your next dose, if your drug treatment is given by injection
  • reassessed for your risk of breaking a bone after five years, to check that your treatment is still right for you (or after three years if on injections)

Managing your pain

If you have a broken bone because of osteoporosis (including a spinal fracture), we believe healthcare professionals should help you with your pain management and mobility, so that you are:

  • given help to manage pain and symptoms resulting from your broken bone
  • supported to recover to your previous levels of ability, as far as possible
  • offered physiotherapy or occupational therapy, if appropriate

We believe hospital services should be efficient, coordinated and consistent, with minimal regional variation, so that you:

  • receive good quality care that meets current guidance and reflects up-to-date practice, from all the healthcare professionals you see
  • receive care from motivated staff with the right knowledge and skills for their role
  • are able to make informed decisions about your care.

What we do

No More Broken Bones. No More Broken Lives.

How you can help

Help our specialist nurses continue to support those in need
